The Real Cost To Build A House Concrete House Affordable New Study Reveals 1
The Real Cost To Build A House
Is the real cost to build a house concrete house cheap today we are taking a tour of this four-bedroom house as you can see this is an unfinished house this house has four bedrooms two bathrooms one kitchen one living room one dining room one laundry room one parking garage 2 porches aback on the front porch or veranda whatever explain it better It takes 3 months to bring it to this stage and a cost of 6 million Jamaican’s dollars
The Real Cost To Build A House
Affordable new study on Building a concrete house
yes that’s right 6 million to take it to this stage it takes 3 months This is 2800 ft.² of building it takes 5500 building blocks takes 5 tons of steel takes 4 loads of sand and 4 loads of gravel it takes 1000 bags of cement this building is two months old with the right contractor and work men’s it takes two months to bring this building to this stage
The Real Cost To Build A House Concrete House Cheap
The Real Cost To Build A House
this is part four of the real cost to build a house concrete oh cheap yes so this is the part four series so as you know we are featuring this house a couple of times before and we reach the roofing level slab concrete level. so as you know this is two thousand eight hundred square feet of building and we are gonna walk through them and talk about some of the material lists for this job so we reached the decking level
the carpenter started to do his work putting up the shores and applying the plies to do the roofing we are doing concrete roof concrete slab this is some of the material you will need to do a size roof like this so this is a four-bedroom house we talk about those things in a next video you can see the next video this video is a part four series so this is my this is some of the material
The Real Cost To Build A House
Study reveals the affordable cost of building a concrete house
so to do this job it requires 60 2 by 4 12 lumber it also requires 35 lumber which is 2 by 4 16. It also requires 15 lengths of 2×4 18. they also require a rough part which is 30 lengths of 1 by 3 16. these jobs require about 80 sheet of farm ply that’s the red dead splat the red edge line it also requires four tons of corrugated half in steel very important it also require um two walls of binding wire which is 55 pound per roll requires 250 bags of cement these bags come in like 100-pound bag some 90 something hundred pounds it requires 50
yards of washed sun and it requires 50 yards of grit a garnet not granny gravel whatever you know it does sorry Caruso requires about 100 250 metal shorts to hold that pressure that’s a lot of concrete so it needed so this is just a part of the material list and the list go on and on and on so what I will do I will leave this material list in the description below with electrical stuff the plumbing stuff

so you can see what it requires to do a job concrete decking like this so do remember to subscribe leave a comment press the notification bell to see more videos like this this is the decking of a four-bedroom house and this is a part four series of this video so, in this video, you can click the link above or the link below to see what we discussed before in those part one part two poetry series
we talk about the mate there’s a materialist in that in those video descriptions telling their mother material the mother blocks the amount of sun to bring the building up however the cause to put on this roofing is about three-point
four to three-point eight million to do the roofing for this house so make a note of that a lot of money but this is
Your budget is
The Real Cost To Build A House
2 800 square feet of the building so check do the maths and you will see if it makes sense so I give you the amount of material and the amount of money so do the maths and see if it makes sense for you so that you can see here where the plumbing work and electrical work is complete and the pouring of the concrete starts and the men’s are doing the concrete to level the leveling
so we’re not turning back the roof it’s been put in on this building which is a big move and a big job so doing a roof like this it can be done two-way you can use men’s to mix the concrete and sling it up in the bucket and the milling tub or you can use the pre-mixed chalk
Study reveals the affordability of new concrete house construction
ready mix whatever you call it to mix the concrete by machine and pour it with the machine which is far much easier but most of the time people don’t want to use it because it’s more expensive but tomato mix it’s a quicker job but they’re more expensive some people say they don’t want to use it because it is not strong I don’t know where to get the information from

norman can run the mixing of mushy a Maxine machine mixing concrete versus man the machinery ought to run the man any day and any time and to put the mush this material the porous material on top of the building the very large amount of building so it takes a good amount of energy and time so the machine will do a good job so bear that in mind some people say they don’t want to use premix because they’re not gonna do a good job I don’t know why they say that but it’s good so as you can see this building is on its way
Budget is under if
The Real Cost To Build A House
most of the concrete slab is complete and this is a very huge a very big job
and to the owner of this building, I would say congrats job well done almost done that’s not done as yet so the contractors and the workmen do a good job and all I’m doing here just give some insight and information on how to approach your building some of you may know some of you may not so I just give as much information as I can I don’t know everything I know a lot so leave your views to leave your comment tell me what you think this job is this job a good job do you like it do you like the approach the information I gave was it helpful to you let me know
so so this is a four-bedroom house
two thousand eight hundred square feet worth of building so apparently this horse reaching this stage is about 10 million dollars Jamaicans it still has a liquor where to go okay you have the flooring to put in to slap the flooring as well you have um the rendering of the wall so
as you can see it’s a lot comma far away what’s the level of liquid to go this is the ground this is the lower level of this house there’s our next
Under if your budget
The Real Cost To Build A House
an additional route to be done on the top of this so this is like the floor level so this is a huge house I wouldn’t even call this house I could say it’s a mansion that’s my opinion don’t mad at me don’t cuss me because some people say oh this is just a baby horse whatever it’s a huge house so as I give you some insight I break down and tell you what the material this is like I tell you at this stage.
they take about four million dollars three-point some dollar to do the roofing and before I tell anything like some six million dollars to bring up the walls and tire the building so it’s nearly a total of 9 million-plus to 10 million Jamaican dollars to 10 million worth of job and billing material so get some information here make a note if you’re going to build your house this information is very important so this is a part four
The Real Cost To Build A House
series This is the part four series of some videos we have part one part two part three in the link above below you can see what we discussed in those videos before um, for now, I don’t know
if I will have a part five not for no I don’t know so see my videos with information and material lists
below and what I will do over some time I gotta make a pdf file with this material list so you can download it I haven’t done it yet but when I do it I will put it in all of the video descriptions so you can download the material list for this series video.
The Real Cost To Build A House
Cheaper to build or buy
if you think this is helpful, uh if you have any suggestions so that’s what I could do to make this video better leave your comments I’m always ready to listen and do things according to what you guys request so as you can see this job is complete thank you for watching
lookout for my pod force part 5 series I don’t know when I’ve been dropping it and as I said we make some pdf files with the material list thank you.
The Real Cost To Build A House Concrete House Cheap
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